Once upon a time. There was a little girl who was born into the punishment of mischief and shaped into regret. While becoming a society child of failures.
Where in a place called Earth with beautiful trees, flowers, and green flourishing grass. A place where wolves in sheep's clothing live waiting for its prey. Such as the little girl herself. A place of deceit and manipulation as it plays a part of incest and self gratification. A place where anything go and it's okay to sweep it under the rug. A a place where it's okay to say I see but don't see I hear but don't hear I know but don't know and after a while what has happened in this place and yours now has become a rug with a pile of dirt sweat so far under it you are now tripping over due to not wanting to face reality and what was and is still true to this day Reality.
If You would like to know something just ask and I'll tell you the truth.
However, be ready for the answer😁
A lot of times because of Curiosity we wanna know things. Therefore, we never know the fullness of what's connected to it and if we can handle it because usually we normally get more than what we ask for and can handle.
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